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Another Day in Paradise...
18 mai 2014

From Vanuatu...Quatorzième semaine

Cette semaine a été très stressante vu que je suis entrain de former une nouvelle.

Tout ca, me faire perdre mes cheveux.

Je me suis rendu compte a quel point il est difficile de s`occuper de quelqu`un...

mais j`essaye de faire de mon mieux.

 Je ne suis pas parfaite mais tout ce que je peux faire est de lui partager tout ce que je sais.
Je comprend mieux sister Lutui maintenant et également le rôle d`un parent. 
Je sais pour sûr que c`est le travail le plus dur à faire...
Mais sinon j`ai une très bonne compagne... she`s so sweet!!! 
J`ai eu beaucoup de mal à quitter sister Lutui, ooowwww i cried and i cried my eyes were so swallow ....
J`ai l`impression que ça fait une éternité depuis que i had to transfert. et maintenant c pire parce que demain
sister Lutui va partir pour Tanna .
Bush one time... Oh et she`s training sister Teraiamano ... quelle Blague!!! 
Mais même si former est dur, je peux dire que depuis ce moment ma compréhension de l`evangile a été décuplé...
 Tous les jours je prie pour que l`esprit puisse me guider en tant que formatrice, because it was so scary...
 I was so scared to not be a good trainer, to not teach good.. but i saw how much the Lord helped me.
Je comprends beaucoup mieux les écritures et les principes de l`evangile ce qui m`apporte réconfort et la force
de pouvoir lead our compagnion ship. 
 I think i`m going to keep my news for the next monday when you`re going to call me....
yeahhhh please don`t forget to call me...i love you all and till next time, take care .....
   oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Vaimeho !!!!!!!!!
oui je sais c dure de vieillir, ne t`en fait pas Tumatahi payera pour ton lifting ....
hahaha just kidding. you don`t need that.. chinese blood is enough !!!! haha
     LOVE YOU ALLLLLLL........ don`t forget me please !!!!!!!!!!!!!
               Ofa`atu ,
sister Arhan 
18 mai 2014

From Australia...Cinquante et unième semaine


( our Zone picture with President O. Vincent Haleck )

I will call you on Monday for me so Sunday for you probably around 10:00 for me and 14:00 for you !
ok I have to go now :)
alright talk to you next week :)
Love you
bye bye <3
Elder Chin Ah You

13 mai 2014

From Washington DC...Dix-septième semaine

Sweet mail from you...Thank you so much !
Sweet thought from Atamu :D

I'm doing great...I had to Skype yesterday with my family for Mother's
Day...Was great :)

A week with lots of experiences :)
We have a baptism who is coming excited for that :)

Hope you'll have a great week :)

Thank you for your prayers and thoughts :)

I love you all :)

Sister Bertholon :')

12 mai 2014

From Australia...Cinquantième semaine

in fact
I send the box and theres the gift for Terai
I keep my Hat but then the rest is all yours
I had a baptism last Saturday...that was an awesome baptism !
I love the work I do its incredible !
im gonna call next Monday so 26 for me but 25 for you...
I love you all and cant wait to talk to everyone :)
Love you
Elder Chin Ah You
12 mai 2014

From Vanuatu...Treizième semaine

Sorry don't have time but i wish you to all of you 'happy mother's Day'
    lovem yufala...
pikinini blong mi (my child in mission )
8 mai 2014

Ho Ho Ho

Le paquet de Grand Garçon est enfin arrivé et il était assez volumineux...



Avec excitation, la TribU a déballé du carton, des clichés (grand format) de l'Artiste Angela Nashaat,

un jeu de société "Risk", quelques croquis au fusain, un étui renfermant une paire de jolies baguettes

chinoises et des porte baguettes, des cartes Quizz sur les animaux d'Australie, un coffret de toilette pour

Homme, deux T.Shrirt, une dizaine de cravates, un livret " jeux et activités" pour petits, un chapeau noir

de "gangster", une chaussette de Noël et un petit cadeau pour une Amie de Grand Garçon;

Et ne sachant pas si le contenu du carton était les Affaires que Grand Garçon avait décidé de ramener

 petit à petit avant son Retour, Papa et Maman ont donc préféré tout ranger dans l'Armoire.

5 mai 2014

From Washington DC...Seizième semaine

Coucou !
Merci pour les nouvelles de chez vous ! :) 
Ça me manque les sorties en famille comme vous en faites !
C'est super de passer du bon temps en famille :) 
Je vais très bien :)
Il a y des fleurs de partout...C'est trop beau ! 
La mission se passe bien, c'etait un peu slow cette semaine mais bon, ça va. 
Je vous souhaite de passer une bonne semaine.
Je vous fais de gros bisous !! 
Prenez soin de vous.
Sister Bertholon :) 


4 mai 2014

From Vanuatu...Douzième semaine

 How`s going????
as far as I know I`m still alive... we had a lot of miracle this week wouuuu, 
but I`m just going to share one with you.
 So last Thursday we needed someone to follow us to visit some investigators in Snake hill,
but we didn`t know who will be willing to follow us because most of them work.
Then after our plan,we prayed to find someone ...
at the end of the prayer, the cellphone rang...
it was one of the missionary of our branch who called to let us know that she doesn`t
work on Thursday and asked us if her and her brother can follow us....
it was so AMAZING, it was a straight answer !!!!
And another one called us to propose her help too.
On Thursday we had 3 members who helped us.
It was a really big blessing.
And It was because, on this week we decided to be more obedient than before to look for miracle...
And we found them all along the week!!!!
   That`s it this week ... transfert !!!
so sister Arhan is called to stay in Mele and to be trainer !!!!!!
YAYYYYY I want to cry ...
My firstborn is from Kiribasi wouahhhh....
I don`t know how we are going to communicate but at last Heavenly father gave me hand to make use of them.
So let`s use what we have !!!!
   Lovem yufala mo gudfala wik long yufala ....
oh and happy mother`s day !!!!! it`s time to call home, YAY !!!!
Hey you patate ...
  si si je sais que je te manque mouahahaha...
Tiens juste cette semaine j'étais avec une jeune fille enfin elle a 18 ans maintenant, mais elle est
exactement comme toi, je parle du caractère.
Elle s`appelle kissy je lui ai même dit qu`elle me faisait penser à toi . haha ...
J`espère que tu ne manges pas trop parce qu`alors là je ne te dis pas le derrière. mouahahaha....
Ça va être dur de faire des faarapu avec un derrière trop lourd >< !!!!
Oh et tu sais je pense que tu devrais apprendre a laver tes vêtements à la main aussi, ca te fera des muscle.
Il semblerait que tu aies beaucoup d`histoires à me raconter donc écris les dans ton journal ,
comme ça je pourrai les lire .
Et pour les parfum you can go ahead , comme ça je n'aurai pas besoin de t`envoyer de cadeaux ... haha
tu t'es déjà servie .... mouahahaha !!!!
allez prends soin de toi, ne fais pas trop de bêtises , évite les garçons (please)
et envoie moi des cadeaux.. lol
I LOVE YOU (lorsqu`elle m`a pris dans ses bras .... hahaha big lol)
I MISS YOU ... to the derrière qui pue ....
with love 
sista ARHAN
4 mai 2014

From Australia...Quarante-neuvième semaine

Un cliché envoyé par une Amie des Elders...


Will you marry me ?

27 avril 2014

From Australia...Quarante-huitième semaine

Gday mates :)
hope you're all doing great ^^
and all Flat out, at least you're doing something
well as you know..... and I don't know why
something always happen to me ... so ....
This week was Fun especially on Thursday
as my companion and I ran into a House on Fire
don't worry not Ours , but our neighbour's house was ....
ok so let me recount the story ^^
" it was around 1:30pm when we're about to weekly plan
when I smelt burn , I thought it was our Fan ,
then I smelt it came from outside , and recognize an " electrical Fire"
so We ran out saw the smoke coming out the house
I knocked on the Door twice and nothing, we were just worried
about the kids that lived there , and I was about to smash the Door
when the mother pulled on the Side started screaming and then we went in
the whole kitchen and living room was on fire , so we made sure ( my comp and I)
that no one was in there , turn the gaz off and called 000 firemen ^^
and then we were all covered with Dust...blablablaaaa"
struth mate sometimes , this world is crazy
but that's ok at least we're still here ^^
have a good week
Elder Chin Ah You
27 avril 2014

From Vanuatu...Onzième semaine

Encore une semaine de passe, piouff ...
et nous n'avons pas pu faire grand chose parce que ma compagne a eu un teethache.
Elle n`a pas dormi pendant deux jours...c`etait horrible!!!!
donc cette semaine, nous avons passé du temps chez le dentiste ... pioufff crevant...
que c'est fatiguant de rien faire !
Mais ce week end a été wouahhhhh...
Nous avons eu une conférence de district samedi et dimanche et nous avons terminé
avec un super coin de feu avec un membre des 70 venu spécialement ouvrir la nouvelle
zone de Tanna .
Et devinez qui a joué au piano .... dingdong !!!!! ...ça m`a épuisé ...
Après le coin de feu j'étais raide morte !!!
J'ai cru que j'allais m'arracher les n`y avait qu`un piano électrique
et il n'était qu'en mode orgue ... pfff !!!
Surtout que l'on ne m'a demandé de jouer que le jour même (mais j'avais sentie la chose arriver).
Mais tout a été très inspirant wouahhh...

Cette semaine est la dernière avec mes compagnes avant le transfert,
Samedi nous saurons qui partira ...
Ma compagne Sister Lutui, qui est également ma Maman pour ma mission va beaucoup me manquer.
Elle est vraiment Super.
Mon autre compagne Sister Vasu aussi va me manquer mais pas autant que Sister Lutui .
Cette semaine alors que j'étais avec les enfants, j'ai compris pourquoi Jésus-Christ aimait être avec eux...
Je sais avec certitude que le royaume de dieu leur appartient...
ils sont tellement purs et innocents !!!!
De plus je me suis rendue compte de quelque chose...
Je croyais aimer les gens d`ici plus qu'ils ne m'aimaient...mais j'avais tord !
leur amour est 1000 fois supérieur au mien ...
J`aime tellement ce peuple que j`ai peur de les quitter !! and i know that i was mean to be here.
On saturday as we were riding the bus, we pass on a bridge ...
and when i saw this bridge i was completely blow away, it was exactly the same landscape
that i saw in one of my dream before i came on mission...
i was so so so amazed !
I know for sure that i was mean to serve in Vanuatu !
I love so much this country that every time it makes me cry when i think about it !
I really don't want to come back before i finish my mission, i want to give them all i got till my last drop of energy !!!
I love you all and thank you so much to have take care of me !!!!!                
  Lovem yufala !!!!
22 avril 2014

From Australia...Quarante-Septième semaine

Lorsque vient le jour des mails pour Elder Chin Ah You, la page mail de Yahoo reste ouverte toute la journée;

Ainsi Papa et Maman ne ratent aucune occasion de "converser" par mails interposés avec leur Grand Garçon

pendant une vingtaine de minutes...

Elder CAY -


Maman -


Et alors...Un an déjà !

Elder CAY - 

nope not yet 2more days

 Maman - 

comme tu ne pourras pas nous écrire ce jour là...Alors on anticipe !

Et que retiens-tu de cette année en Mission ?

Elder CAY -

heavenly Father Loves Me :)

helping others like doing service for Angela, or fabiola,

share wht I have and receive their Love.....

feeling the love from those people is just amazing

just like my great-grandfather Tahauri Hutihuti said

" I have no gift to give you but only a Heart full of Love"

Maman -
Ah oui...C'est ce qu'il avait dit à Thomas S. Monson...
He was a Wise man !
Elder CAY -
5 min left
comment vont les Autres ?
Maman -
Tout le monde va bien...
Y a-t-il quelque chose de particulier que tu veux que l'on mette dans ton paquet
que nous t'enverrons bientôt ?
Elder CAY -
Continuez de m'envoyer les imprimés du blog
et aussi des cartes postales de la polynesie....
sinn a part ça , vous pouvez mettre tout ce que vous voulez
 I have to go now
21 avril 2014

From Washington DC...Quatorzième semaine

Hello !! ;) 

THank you so much for your mail ! 
The moon is so beautiful ! :) 
Here in DC everything is alright...We are in a trio now... Hehe...That's funny ! 
By the way, the moon is so sweet  :D 
Thank you so much for the news from your side :) 
Hope that you were all having a wonderful Easter with a goal to achieve :)
Hope you're doing all good ! :) 
Have a great week ! :) 
Sister Bertholon :')
P.S : The picture : go back to Childhood with my companions :D DSCN1751DSCN1760



20 avril 2014

From Vanuatu...Dixième semaine

Halo dear friend...   
This week has been so amazing, as i had my first Zone conference... 
It was full of good advice  and how he work is progressing here in Vanuatu.
We were so happy to know  that we have a new zone (Tanna zone).
So now they are going to send sisters in Tanna for the next transfer.
What a blessing...  
What i remember about what our mission president said is about Peter.
He compared the Peter that we can find in the book of John and the book of Act .

In John, Peter was so afraid and denied the Christ 3 times as one maid said that he was of those who followed Jesus Christ.
But in the book of Act, Peter talk with Boldness to defend the Christ and is not afraid to talked about Christ
before every man .
Like what President Brewer said we have to follow the example of Peter in the Book of Act,...
talk with confidence and be not afraid!!!!!
As one example, he told us that as we are making OYM , just introduce yourself as missionary
of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter saint and said that you desire to shared a message to them.
So we don`t have to create a situation to have a chance to talk to them, cause usually that`s what we do...
So we are going to be clear and just... follow the example of Peter.
And we can apply it as a member too, we must not be afraid to told to our friends that;
" i am a member of the church of Jesus Christ !"  like the scripture say;
" For i am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.." Roman 1;16.
 This is one way to strengthen our faith and to show to the world that , yes i am a disciple of Christ
and i am not afraid to stand as it....
But anyway i enjoy my mission (like always) , and there is only two week before the next transfert
and this time i`m really going to live my trainer... sniff sniff TT. QUITE SAD...
Ale Ofa`atu guys and good week!!!
14 avril 2014

From Washington DC...Treizième semaine

 Comment va ? :)

Merci pour les news de votre côté !

Je vois que l'on s'amuse bien :D

Il n'y a pas de montagnes là ou je suis...Du coup pas de randonnées :D

Mais bon, on a les cherry blossoms qui sont arrivées :D

Et c'est trop magnifique :)

Sinon je vais super bien !

Le travail missionnaire progresse :) On fait de notre mieux !

On reste obéissante et on voit des miracles ! :)

J'espère que tout va mieux pour vous :)

Le petit nom de Tevai est au temple et cela pour deux semaines ! :)

Et puis contente d'apprendre qu'il va (un peu ? beaucoup ?) mieux :)

Je vous embrasse fort !!

Vous aime fort :)




13 avril 2014

From Australia...Quarante-sixième semaine

There is in myself a conflict

where my Past my Future fight each other,
where the Present can only Be spectator of this Battle....
but Tomorrow is now Present, and Now yesterday....
Past , full of Regrets , today I choose if my Future will Be as bright as the Sun
In this Eternal Circle of Life
Rule by the Masterpiece: Time
While you're thinking for After
Now is now Gone
as the Time is far Spent
you cannot go back
There is in myself a Conflict
where the Present fights Now!
there is in myself a conflict
where my Heart wants to help them
but my Conscience thinks they need to Learn
For the Reason is 'No pain No Gain'
this Conflict I've never Understood,
how dictates by our Past mistakes Our Reason is;
Why our Conscience makes me think of what I can do Now
but I know our Heart will Lead us towards something Better
' There is in Myself a Conflict'
The lesson I learnt this week is
" If no one wants to follow you.... keep going Straight ! "
I love my mission...
But sometimes, I think I need to be more Humble !...
Last saturday and sunday we saw the General Conference and my favourite talk was
 " Love is the Very essence of the Gospel and Jesus Christ the Example "  Thomas S. Monson
 I have to go now.....
Love you and See ya...
Elder Chin Ah You
7 avril 2014

From Washington DC...Onzième semaine

Hello la petite famille CAY ! 

Comment allez vous ? 
Contente que Tevai aille mieux :) 
Je vais très bien...Il pleut aujourd'hui ! :) 
Désolée, je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps aujourd'hui ! :) 
Je vous fais de gros bisous !! 
Passez une bonne semaine ! 
Sister Bertholon :) 
6 avril 2014

From Australia...Quarante-cinquième semaine

As we approach the Easter season, the hearts and emotions of Christians are mellowed

by the sacrifice of the life and the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Shortly before Christ’s betrayal, he lifted up his eyes to heaven in a pleading intercessory

prayer for his disciples, whom the Father gave unto him. He uttered this profound statement:

“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ,

whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3.)

To know God the Father and his Beloved Son Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Savior, is life eternal.

Do men truly know them—their attributes, characteristics, and powers ?

Surely such knowledge can be had: otherwise, our Savior would not have made this statement.

When Philip said unto Christ, “Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us,”

Jesus answered, “Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip ?

he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?” (John 14:8–9.)

Paul declared to the Corinthian saints that Christ is “the image of God” (2 Cor. 4:4), and to the Hebrews

that Christ is “the express image of [God’s] person.” (Heb. 1:3.)

It is logical for the Only Begotten Son of the Eternal God to be in “the express image of his [Father’s] person.”

Like produces like, and any earthly son we know —and the earthly is typical of the heavenly—

is in the image of his father.

It is true in mortal life that some sons are in the express image of their father’s person.

In modern revelation we learn that Seth, the son of Adam, “was a perfect man, and his likeness was the express

likeness of his father, insomuch that he seemed to be like unto his father in all things, and could be distinguished

from him only by his age.” (D&C 107:43.)

Could that be what Christ meant when he said to Philip, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father”? (John 14:9.)

This statement also accords with modern-day revelation that God

“the Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s.” (D&C 130:22.)


Now Jesus said, “The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do.” (John 5:19.)

Also: “As my Father hath taught me, I speak these things.” (John 8:28.)

Here Christ informs us that he was following the example and teachings of his Father and the works

 which the Father had performed previously in his own experience, which proves both Father and Son

possess like individual characteristics, attributes, and powers.

When Thomas asked the Lord, “How can we know the way?”

Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:5–6.)

“For there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved,” declared the apostle

Peter to the rulers, elders, and scribes of the Jewish factions. (Acts 4:12.)

As Jesus walked in Solomon’s porch, the Jews came to him and solemnly asked, “If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.”

Jesus answered them, saying, “The works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me.” (John 10:23–25.)

Truly the works, miracles, and teachings of the Christ, together with heavenly appearances and confirmations

of angelic personages—also the declarations of God the Father in the presence of accredited witnesses— testify fully

and conclusively that Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God in the flesh, our Redeemer, Savior, and Lord.


After Christ’s ministry on earth, his death on the cross, and glorious resurrection from the dead, he appeared

unto his disciples and opened their understanding to the scriptures concerning him: how that all the scriptures

written concerning the happenings of his life, death, and resurrection had been fulfilled.

Then he said unto them, “And ye are witnesses of these things.” (Luke 24:48.)

The apostle Peter taught Cornelius and his household all about the Christ, his message, death, and resurrection,

declaring God showed the resurrected Lord openly: “Not,” he said, “to all the people, but unto witnesses

chosen before of God, even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead. …

To him,” said Peter, “give all the prophets witness.” (Acts 10:38–43.)


The prophets before Christ did testify of his coming and prophesied sufficiently concerning his life,

ministry, works, and miracles to identify him with absolute certainty.

They also foretold his death on the cross and resurrection to glory as a sealing act

to his ministry and divine commission to atone for the sins of men.


John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, was given a sign by which he could recognize the Son of God.

When he saw Jesus coming toward him, he said to his disciples,

“Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29.)

God the Father also spoke from heaven testifying of his Son to all the people assembled at the baptism of the Christ

by announcing, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matt. 3:17.)

In answer to the query of the Lord to Peter, “Whom say ye that I am?” Peter emphatically declared,

“Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matt. 16:15–16.)

Even unclean and evil spirits who knew Christ in the spirit world recognized him in the flesh and confessed

him with positive knowledge, calling him, “Jesus, thou Son of God most high.” (Luke 8:28.)


The works and the miracles of Christ, the evidences and testimonies of faithful, true, and actual witnesses

of all they had seen and heard, even to the voice of God speaking from the heavens, are convincing proof

that Jesus was not merely a well-principled man and a great teacher, but the actual Son of God, the Redeemer

and Savior of the world, the exemplar to all mankind, whom to know and love and follow is life eternal.


Now, the other evidences and testimonies of true witnesses who saw the risen, resurrected Lord prove

that he is alive today; just as the angel Gabriel declared to Mary, the mother of Jesus,

“of his kingdom there shall be no end.” (Luke 1:33.)

There were many appearances of the risen Lord to his disciples after his passion.

I shall mention a few very briefly:

First, to Mary Magdalene. (John 20:16–18.)

Second, to the two disciples on their way to Emmaus. (Luke 24:13–35.)

Third, to his disciples who were gathered together following his resurrection.

He invited them to “behold my hands and my feet, … handle me, and see for a spirit hath not flesh

and bones, as ye see me have.” (Luke 24:36–40.)

Fourth, Luke tells us that Christ, after his passion, “shewed himself alive … by many infallible proofs,

being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.” (Acts 1:3.)

Fifth, Paul the apostle testifies that after Christ’s resurrection “he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve,

[then] of above five hundred brethren at once; …

“After that, … of James, then of all the apostles,” and last of all by Paul himself. (1 Cor. 15:5–8.)

Sixth, the concluding New Testament account of witnesses for our consideration is highly significant,

for it furnishes hope and faith to all God’s children for the future.

It deals with an important event subsequent to Christ’s resurrection and following the forty

days spent with his disciples, teaching and instructing them in the things of his kingdom.

“And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up;

and a cloud received him out of their sight.

“And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;


“Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up

from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:9–11.)

Christ was received into heaven with his resurrected body.

If he is to return in like manner at his second coming, as this scripture affirms, he will come with his same body.

This is further verified by prophecy to a branch of the house of Israel who shall ask the Lord

at his second coming, “What are these wounds in thine hands and in thy feet?

“Then shall they know that I am the Lord; for I will say unto them:

These wounds are the wounds with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.

I am he who was lifted up.

I am Jesus that was crucified.

I am the Son of God.” (D&C 45:51–52; see also Zech. 13:6.)


In the Book of Mormon, one of four standard works of scriptures of The Church of Jesus

Christ of Latter-day Saints, there is recorded a beautiful account of Christ’s visit to the people

on this continent after his resurrection from the grave. At that appearance,

God the Father spoke from heaven, declaring,

“Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my

name—hear ye him.” (3 Ne. 11:7.)


On that occasion Jesus Christ also announced himself, saying, “Behold, I am Jesus Christ,

whom the prophets testified shall come into the world.” (3 Ne. 11:10.)

At the invitation of their Lord, a large number were privileged to come forward, in order, according

to the historical account, “that ye may thrust your hands into my side, and also that ye may feel

the prints of the nails in my hands and in my feet, that ye may know that I am the God of Israel,

and the God of the whole earth, and have been slain for the sins of the world.” (3 Ne. 11:14.)


“And when they had all gone forth and had witnessed for themselves, they did cry out with one accord,

saying: “Hosanna! Blessed be the name of the Most High God !  

And they did fall down at the feet of Jesus, and did worship him.” (3 Ne. 11:16–17.)

By this friendly and compelling demonstration, Jesus assured the people assembled that he was truly

their risen Lord, as several of their prophets had foretold.

All these evidences and testimonies of witnesses are persuasive and convincing to the seeker of truth,

light, and knowledge concerning God and his Beloved Son.

Mankind need not struggle in the dark to gain faith in the only true God and Jesus Christ, nor in

the gospel plan of life and salvation.

The Comforter, or the Holy Ghost, which Christ promised to send, is the Spirit of truth and is to guide

his followers into all truth.

The Holy Ghost is to testify of the Father and the Son and is a teacher, also a revelator.

Witness Peter’s statement that “holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Pet. 1:21),

and Paul’s declaration, “No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost” (1 Cor. 12:3).

John, the beloved apostle, taught,

“It is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.” (1 Jn. 5:6.)


According to these statements of scripture, the witness of the Holy Ghost, which all who are worthy can enjoy,

  has the power to bestow knowledge, understanding, faith, and the testimony of truth to those

who prayerfully seek it.

A prophet-writer of Book of Mormon history and doctrine gave this wise and understanding counsel

and admonition:

“I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things

are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ,

he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

“And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” (Moro. 10:4–5.)


Every individual can realize this promise if he is willing to humble himself and seek the light, knowledge,

and intelligence that flow from God through the Holy Spirit. By that power I testify to you that it is life

eternal to know the only true God and Jesus Christ, who in very deed is our Lord, Redeemer, and Savior.


In closing, I join with the first prophet of this latter-day dispensation in declaring,

“And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony,

last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!” (D&C 76:22.)

I present to you these evidences of fact and truth humbly and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.




 ...comb over haircut.... just like Sonny bill Williams ! hehe

hey when are gonna do family search history ?
A family here in my ward just finish their line all the way back to noah;
 Don't worry pour ma taille de bourdon.... je fais du bodyweight and light lifting ....hehe
Bon, je dois y aller
Love You heaps
Elder Chin Ah You
2 avril 2014

Le meilleur Ami de l'Homme

One way the Elders at work...


( photo prise par la propriétaire des Chiens )

Et pour un amoureux des Chiens comme Grand Garçon...Un pur moment de Bonheur ! 

31 mars 2014

From Australia...Quarante-quatrième semaine


How is my little brother Tevai ??? Encore sa maladie ?
There's no need to worry...she'll be right :) ( an expression ....everything will be alright ! )
And for who you know...
let's not judge !
What they did , well they did it and we can't change that....
Let's not think about the future , because the future is not yet to come...
Focus on today, because it will change everything.
How did king David repent ??
Hey you need to do family search and do genealogy !
And can you send me more pictures of foreign legion ?
I'm trying to lose weigh so I can be fit for the army... pictures give me motivation : )
ok I have to go now....Sorry
For your Family Home evening tonight with Aunty Louise
"Our Arks will Float on a Sea of Faith
If our Works have been Steadily and Surely
Prepared for the Future...... :)
Love you heaps
"a poor wayfaring man of Grief hath often cross me on my way..."
see ya ^^
Elder Chin Ah You
With A big dog...He weigh 90kg ! bave beaucoup....and it smells....:p
Mais qu'est ce que j'aime ce chien !
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Another Day in Paradise...
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